Fix Your E Mail Overload
1 minuten leestijd
If you’re working in an office and receive e-mail, you probably experienced the following problem: You came back from your relaxing vacation, but your mailbox is overflowing and you start to stress out. So how do you deal with it? Do you start checking work e-mail while on vacation and ruin your vacation? Do you simply not read them or do you read them all?
During a TEDxNashville Talk Erik Qualman tells his solution, which goes like this:
1. When your vacation starts, set your email’s vacation auto-responder to say:
Thank you for your email. This mailbox is temporarily full. If your email is important please resend it on [Return Date].
2. When you return, select all the emails you received while on vacation.
3. Delete.
Wat denk jij? Stuur eens een mail!